Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian. Show all posts

Thursday, September 17, 2015

10 More Days of Praise: Day 2 - Praises Anyhow

As I expected, the first day of my challenge was done and things begin to happen to put me off any idea of praise. Extreme annoyances and aggravation eroded any good humor I had and the last thing I wanted to do when I sat down Thursday night to prepare this post was praise anyone. I won't go into it here because I'm not going to be dictated to by it. I'm going to do what I intended to do. I'm going to give God 10 More Days of Praise. 

I will cry out with my voice to the Ancient of Days
to give him all honor, glory, and praise. 
He redeemed me and saved me and gave me grace, 
and the longing of my heart is but to look on his face. 
To see in his eyes the scope of his love, 
with a promise of eternity in heaven above.
My verse is so lacking in beauty and form, 
Yet a King who stepped down and in a stable born 
would never my heart song think to scorn.
The choice of a cross over golden throne, 
all for the right to call me his own. 
So, I'll sing praise to the Lord with my soul and this song, 
and give the title to the One to whom I belong.

Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, even I, will sing unto the Lord; I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel. --Judges 5:3

10 More Days of Praise: Day 1 - Beginning

I posted a few days ago that I planned to start 10 More Days of  Praise. I missed my start day. I woke up with a lot of energy and no fatigue. When I have days where like that, I have to get as much done as possible. I didn't touch my computer all day because I was cleaning and putting things to right in my spare room. I moved bookcases, chests, and got it all tidy. Now I have two rooms organized. I knew I'd have a rough start this morning and I did, but it isn't as bad as I expected. 

Today I begin my 10 More Days of Praise and I'm excited about it. I was excited when I decided to do it in the first place. When I think about the kind of problems I had in my first 10 Days of Praise, I get a bit nervous. You see, I know that as soon as you start doing anything remotely resembling praise or worship, the devil gets uncomfortable. He doesn't like it. I try never to let anything the devil thinks get in my way.

You, Lord, are MY praise, and MY God, that has done for ME these great and terrible things, which MY eyes have seen.(Deuteronomy 10:21 )

I give you all my praise, Lord for the things I have seen and you have done. I praise you for your grace and mercy. I praise you that each day they are renewed in my life. I praise you for the great power and strength that keeps me and upholds me through trials and storms. Without you, Lord, I would fail. I praise you for your eternal faithfulness.

Spend some time today, praising Him, regardless of your circumstances and expectations. Just give God the praise he deserves and He will give you what you need to make it through the day.

*All scripture is King James version unless otherwise noted. Some verses may be personalized but are still based on the original translation.

Monday, September 14, 2015

10 More Days of Praise?

My 10 Days of Praise Challenge over a week ago was a resounding success. I came away from it with such a sense of accomplishment and feeling far more positive than I did going into to it.

I've been contemplating those feelings ever since I finished and initially, I thought it was something I'd like to do every year. But it wouldn't leave me alone. I liked how I felt, despite several issues that arose during that time. I enjoyed doing it, despite having a few days of struggle trying to figure out how to keep it fresh. It was harder than I expected in some ways, easier in others.

So, guess what. I'm going to do 10 More Days of Praise! Yes. I am. I've already done the artwork with a photo I edited from Pixabay. I made it a couple of days ago when I was still thinking about it. I think the photo sort of pushed me over the line. I mean, once I completed it, well, it would be silly not to use it. Right?

So, beginning tomorrow, I'm going to start a new challenge. I'm giving Him 10 More Days of Praise. Don't get me wrong. This doesn't mean I don't praise God every day. I do. But I wanted to make an extra effort to share that with others. I wanted to impress on others that giving special praises to God is such a blessing, not only to God but to the person praising.

Very often we become robotic in how we worship and the words we say are more like a script we've memorized. We just say the words without thinking about them. When I write, my mind is fully engaged. I write with my full awareness and careful thought. My body is involved in the process: my hands write what my mind thinks, my eyes follow along to ensure there are no errors, my body works to maintain a posture that is not painful, sometimes I tap my feet, jiggle my leg, and roll my shoulders. That is how I want to approach my praise. I want to be fully engaged in the process of praising God.

Just to ensure you understand exactly what praise is, I'm repeating the definitions from my Day 6 post of 10 Days of Praise.

  • Worship: the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity
  • Praise: to express warm approval or admiration of someone or something
  • Thanksgiving: an expression of gratitude
I invite you to join me on September 15 to give God 10 more days of praise. You don't have to, of course. But it cost you nothing and the benefits, I can promise, are priceless.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Heart For Praise

I am really so glad I did my 10 Days of Praise Challenge. First, I actually finished something. That's gratifying. What I'm really excited about is the way it left me feeling. It will sound odd, but I'm relieved.


Yes. So relieved. It was difficult at times, but I felt so much better each time I posted that even with the problems surrounding me, I think I handled them better.

So what's next?

I want to do it again. In fact, I'd like to do it every day. Of course, I know I can't post every day on this one blog. I try and balance my posts between this and the other blogs and writing. But I've had this craving to do more of those praise posts. Not as a challenge, I think you can burn out on some things if you overuse them. I'd just like to write more of them whenever and see what happens. And I will do another challenge, maybe in a few months.

You said some things happened mid-way that wasn't so good. What if that happens again?

You'll know this already, but I'll say it for the benefit of readers. In my life, it would be unusual if something didn't happen.

This is true.

So, I can't be surprised if it does but I'd like to be able to cope when it does.

All right, then. What are you waiting for?

Oh... yeah, right.

You have blessed me and kept me for so long and I have given you so little in return. I want to take this time just to praise you for you faithfulness, your grace, and your mercy. You are so worthy of more than my small endeavor, but I praise you with all my heart, Lord.


Sunday, September 6, 2015



Yes, well. I'd say very well. Of course, I knew you could do it.

I didn't, not really. Around day five I almost gave up. I don't know if it showed or not but I did. I wondered what was the use. No one cared if I finished. No one would notice. I wasn't changing anything. 

Someone cared. Someone noticed. And it did change something.


No, really. You may not know about it. You may never know. Somewhere, sometime, someone will accidentally land on one of those pages. They might need what they see there. They may already have done so. And it did change something.


Not what. Who.

Well, who?

I'd say you've changed.

I  don't see how. 

Well, maybe what is showing was already in there and you've just let it show more.

There are many who would rather it didn't.

I'd day that's their problem. 

Yes, well. I am feeling let down. I'd like to keep this mindset for a while. 

I thought it was difficult?

Oh... it is really hard. But usually, when I sat down to write the day's post....


I felt better, at least for a while. And I think, no... I know that throughout the day I focused more on actively making an effort to keep praise in my mind. I got annoyed at things, even got upset so badly at one point I had to actually stop writing and walk away for a bit. There were things happening that so truly annoyed me. But I found myself thinking differently most of the time. 

Then I'd say it had an impact on someone.

I'll do it again, sometime. Not sure how soon, but I'm going to do it again. And I think the fact that it was 10 days rather than 30, made it easier to commit. I was afraid it was too short, but I think now, that it was just right. 

I think I was the one who suggested that. 

Yeah, about that. Next time, could you let me know at a decent hour? I mean, middle of the night, when I'm just about to fall asleep... not the most optimal time. I don't get much sleep anyway and I tend to forget things by the next morning.

But you didn't forget.

That's how I knew it was you. 


Oh....... I see. O.k. maybe late at night makes sense.

10 Days of Praise: Day 10

I did it! I did it! I am so excited! I took the challenge and gave him 10 Days of Praise! Imagine, 10 straight days of finding a way to Praise God through good, bad, and ugly.

Am I a better person? Do I feel less pain? Am I happier? Is life going the way I want it to? Who cares?

God is worthy of all praise. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. His name is holy and He is truly an amazing and wonderful Lord and Savior. He is the solution to the revolution in our world.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord. His name is above all names.

I challenge you to give Him praise! Not just for 10 days but for all the days of your life. He is worthy!

If you took the Praise Challenge, feel free to take the clip here, save it to your computer and upload the size you need to your blog and challenge someone else to give the Lord 10 Days of Praise.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 9

I can't believe how amazing the last 9 days have been. I've been hit with several things, almost as soon as I started this challenge. One day I really had a difficult time writing a post because there was just so much emotional stuff happening that I found it hard to praise God. I finally had to give myself a good talking to and remind myself that "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him!" 

It is a hard thing in the middle of trouble to step back and just give up. Yes, I said give up. Sometimes, you can't change circumstances, locations, people, or the bad brakes. Nothing you do will fix the problem. You have to physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually give up and let God deal with it. I've learned, even when I struggle with it, that this is the only thing that will get me through a situation.

Today, I'm using Psalms as my point of reference regarding praise. Please notice the first words of these particular Psalms is all about Praise. The psalmist started his prayers with praise. Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! That's the Psalmist, too. 

I want to praise the Lord for the works of his hands, of which I am one. My children are the works of his hands. My extended family is the work of his hands. My friends are the work of his hands. Oh, that men, women, and children would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! 

Oh God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. Psalm 108:1

Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise; Psalm 109:1

Praise ye the Lord, Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised. The Lord is high above all nations and his glory above the heavens.  Psalms 113: 1, 3-4

Friday, September 4, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 8

My day has not been good, so I'm late with my post. I woke up with a bad headache and severe neck pain and it hung on nearly all day. I've been so weak with fatigue for days now. Even going out to do a couple of errands this morning, with a migraine was almost too much. I came home exhausted and had to lie down for a few hours.

However, I have promised that I would give God 10 days of Praise and despite some residual pain in my neck and a mild headache, I'm going to get this post done. Before this day ends, I will give You praise.

You are my praise and my God, who has done these great and awesome things which my eyes have seen.*

You, Lord are my strength and my song. You are my salvation. You are my God, and I will praise you. I will exalt You as long as I have breath.*

As long as I am able to write, I will give you praise.

*Deuteronomy 10:21
*Exodus 15:2

Thursday, September 3, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 7

Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, 
the Holy One of Israel; 
I am the LORD thy God which
teacheth thee to profit, 
which leadeth thee by the way 
that thou shouldest go.--Isaiah 48:17 

It doesn't look like a scripture about praise, does it? Everyone immediately thinks of Psalms when you mention praise. That's natural because David and a few others wrote many beautiful Psalms about praise. 

Although the Bible is filled with scriptures all about praising God, particularly in Psalms, I've been focusing more on verses outside of Psalms. I supposed you could say I've gone off the beaten path. 

Over the years, particular since Jerry died, I've found that there are other places in the Bible that have verses that deal with praise. Of course, they're often not as happy as David was about it, but so often real praise is born out of grief, rather than joy. So much of my life has been filled with grief of one sort or another. Has your's? Before I was 20 I'd been rejected by both parents, experienced an alcoholic grandfather, lost the only mother I ever knew at 17, and left home while still grieving her death. I won't even begin to relate the next 39 years of praise formation.

I suppose in light of this, you could say that praises are the diamonds of our life. The chemicals that make up real diamonds lie buried deep within the earth and over time, this pressure of the earth causes crystallization and formation of some of the most beautiful gemstones in the world. They are highly prized and of great price. 

Praise is formed deep within us, beneath the pressures of our life. The pain of living forms pockets of chemicals within us that become compressed and begin to harden and crystallize. Left to themselves, buried within us, they become bitterness, heartache, anger, resentment, and ill health. 

But, what if we begin to dig them out, to excavate them? If we do that, we will realize their true worth and beauty. Praises are the hardened crystals formed within us that, once excavated, will reflect the light of His love to the world. Life up your praises and watch your life become a treasure house.

I can praise you, O Lord, for so may things - for the joy of the morning, the smile on Sarah's face, the song in my heart. I praise you because  you are our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. But I praise even more today because you've lead me in the way I should go. Without your guidance, I would truly be lost. 

I can look over the path of my life and see your hand at every turning in the road, at everydetour, and every pass. You have guided me true. I give you praise for the strength of your hands is sure and strong and the times I would falter, you hold me up secure. 

You are worthy, Lord, of all praise and honor. Your name is above all names and your glory is the only light we truly need. 

Holy, holy, holy, holy are you, our Redeemer and Lord. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 6

My 10 Days of Praise is nearly over, but I thought it appropriate to clarify why I made a point of focusing only on praise and clarifying why it's different from worship and thanksgiving.
  • Worship: the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity
  • Praise: to express warm approval or admiration of someone or something
  • Thanksgiving: an expression of gratitude
So often we interchange these three behaviors as if they are all the same. They're not, as you can clearly see from their definitions. Each is a different type of honor shown to God, given of our free will. They address three distinct areas that we are to bless Him.

We worship God when we give him reverence and adore him in our actions, words, and thoughts. This is generally a stance we take such as singing, lifting hands, prayers of adoration. When he blesses us, we express our thankfulness by giving him thanks, just as you would anyone who did something for you.

But praise is something completely different from the other two. Praise shows our approval of God and His choices for us. It's admiring Him for His abilities and His character. The power and grace and mercy of God should be awe inspiring. It should result in an earnest praise of his attributes.  It is more than thankfulness. Praise is admiration and approval for all that God is and all He does, and all that He has yet to do.

Praise is the complete surrender to God as the beginning and ending of our faith. It is a form of surrender. When we approve of God and his methods, we're saying He knows best, that He is in charge and we approve of that arrangement. Praise is a form of submission to God by showing our admiration and approval of his actions, regardless of how we think or feel about them.  It is acknowledging his authority and accepting Him as that authority. You see in these verses the use of both praise and worship. Exaltation is a form of worship.

I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make its boast in the Lord;
The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.
  --Psalms 34:1-3

I praise you, Lord for your authority and kingship over me. I give You my approval to manage the affairs of my life and I admire You for the grace and mercy You have shown.

Take time today to give God your praise. Even if it is just for one day.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 5

Let every breath praise the Lord. Let every tongue confess that He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Hear, Oh Lord, the voices of praise to you.

Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the Lord,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
Isaiah 40:28

I praise you, Lord. You're awesome, God. You're the Hope in hopeless, the Love in loveless, the Rest in restless. You are grace and mercy. Your power and might keeps the universe in balance and extends beyond my imagination. 

I praise you because you are worthy to be praised and you have made me complete and wholly yours by your love. You are an awesome God.

I give you praise because You are the Holy One of Israel, there is no God before you nor ever will be. You have declared it. 

Your arm is not too short to save us. Your ears not deaf to our cries. Your eyes see all that we do or say. 

From the east to the west there is none but you, Oh Lord. You form the light and create darkness. You make peace and create evil. You do all things and by you are all things. There is no power except that which you possess and direct.

Great is the Lord. I give you all my praise, oh Lord. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 4

For the times I couldn't sleep and you gave me rest, I praise you.
For the times I couldn't walk and you carried me, I praise you.

For all the miles I've traveled on roads unfamiliar to me,
And the pieces of myself lost in dark places, I praise you.

For all the trouble and trials, I praise you.
For all the tears, fears, and years of pain, I praise you.

For broken dreams and a broken heart, I praise you.
For lost people, lost hopes, and lost dreams, I praise you.

For the all the days of my life, I praise you.
For all that I was, I am, or could ever be, I praise you.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 3

Day 3 is Sunday, the day we are to dedicate to God because He gave it to us to refresh out bodies, our minds, and our hearts. It is his gift to us, but his desire was that we would desire to share it with him.

Sometimes I am unable to get to church because I can't move without a lot of pain. Or I'm so tired I can't focus or stay alert. I can't tell you the pain of not being able to go to church. It is at these times I miss Jerry most because all I would have to do would be to get dressed. He'd get me there.

Still, through pain and despair, I can love Him. I can give Him my praise. I can honor and love Him. Although, it counts for so little He is due, I can give all that I am able to His praise.

From a tiny ball of gas to an ever expanding universe, with one clap of Your hands we owe our life. No, there is no God like You, Lord. You are Creator of the Universe, Maker of Nations, and Light of the World. You are an everlasting Savior. You are more worthy than all the kings of the earth and Your power and glory fills all of Your creation. Your majesty is beyond our comprehension and yet, You stepped from your throne room and into a stable to give the world Your love and mercy. You offered hope and salvation and asked for so little in return.

“Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;
Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes.
Cease to do evil,
Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Rebuke the oppressor;
Defend the fatherless,
Plead for the widow.
“Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the Lord,
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.
If you are willing and obedient,
You shall eat the good of the land;
--Isaiah 1:16-19

I give You all that I have of my praise for Your loving kindness is truly greater than life. My lips shall praise You all the days of my life. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 2

Courtesy Keep Calm-O-Matic
Isn't this cheating?

I don't think so. I mean, who knows what tomorrow will bring. My intention is to make a praise post for the next 10 days. I can write them when I want, but I must post one every day. Thanks to Blogger, I can have it post at the exact moment I want it to post. Besides, what if tomorrow I end up in the hospital?

I think people would understand.

This isn't about other people. I am harder on myself than anyone. I want to do this. I feel it is very important. So, I'm hedging a bit. Writing it when it comes and saving it for the next day.

They'd forgive you for missing one day. This isn't a requirement.

I think it is. At least, I think that is the point that you're trying to press home to me. It is important to recognize every day... no, every moment, that all the praise is God's and that every moment should be an opportunity to praise.

There are times when people can't stop what they're doing to give praise.

Why not? Muslims pray, actually get down in the street on a rug, for heaven's sake, and pray... five times a day! They do this rocking and bowing and kissing the ground while they worship their god. Why is it hard for us to stop 30 seconds throughout our day to say "You are great, Oh God, there is none like you! You are Lord, King, and Savior and you are worthy of all our praise." Really how hard is that?

Well... apparently it isn't as hard as I thought. You may be on to something.

I know!

So, you're going to do that from now on?


I said...

I heard you.


I'm going to do my best. I'm going to try and focus on it more. I think that is what gets in the way a lot of times. The feeling that you must - not - miss - a -  day. We hate that feeling. It is why diets fail and exercise programs fail. We have to do it. This... this has to be from the heart and when it is, we don't think in those terms. We don't have to do, we can't help it.

Besides, you know that I do stop several times a day to give you praise. Mind you, I don't count them, but we both know that no matter where I am, I usually take a moment to tell you how amazing you are and how much I love you.

I've noticed. And at very odd times, I might add.

Right. Sometimes I whisper it and others, like alone in the car, I just say them out loud. Usually, I just can't help it.

I delight greatly in you, Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For You have clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of Your righteousness...You are a God at hand and not afar off. Oh, that men would praise you for your goodness, and for your wonderful works to the children of men. Oh God, my heart is fixed. I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.

Friday, August 28, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 1

I had an idea.

I'm listening.

I want to do a new challenge.

You didn't do so well on the last one.

Thank you for reminding me. No, this is slightly different. Well, only in focus and in time span.

I see you've been playing with again.

Yeah, I gotsidetrackedd looking for a photo. Do you know how hard it is to find a photo of someone praising or worshiping?

Do you know how hard it is to find someone praising or worshiping?

Uh... well...

Never mind. Your idea?

I was trying to go to sleep last night and this idea just popped into my head.

Funny how that happens, isn't it?

Yeah! Really. I mean, I'm not thinking about this stuff. I'm trying to go to sleep and there it is, like a blinking billboard. I don't know why that happens.

Could it be because you're not talking, and you're still?

Hmmm... maybe... Anyway, the phrase popped into my head 10 Days of Praise. No idea what it is about, but I thought it would make a nice challenge for me.

And how would this challenge play out?

Well, funny you should mention that because I didn't really get beyond the idea before I went to sleep. I mean, all I got was a concept. I'd blog for 10 days and I would focus it on praise.

That's rather limited, isn't it? I mean, you could list 10 things and be done in less than 10 minutes.

No, no, that's not the intent. I mean, I think the spirit of the thing is important. Everyone does these lists of things they're thankful for and I think there is even a 30-day thing on that FB page. No, I want to do something different. I want to write blog posts for 10 days and each one MUST be centered on praise. I want to bring scripture into it, but not long quotes of it. I just want to focus on praise as the overall theme of the post.

I see. Well, you said this is a blog about praise. Sometimes I've wondered. 

You're trying to be funny again.

How's it working?

Never mind. I'm going to make guidelines now. I'll be back.

I'm not going anywhere.


I'm issuing a challenge to myself and to anyone else who may happen to read this. For the next ten days, I will write a blog that will be in praise to God. I'd love you to do this with me, particularly if you're having a rough time right now. I think it can make a difference in how we approach our problems.

This isn't an "I'm thankful for" blog post. We're thankful for stuff all the time. This time I want to focus on the praise aspect. Most people equate praise with either thankfulness or worship. It is neither. I quote from an earlier blog: The Price of Admission  "Praise is not thanking God for the blessings. It is honoring God for who he is, what he is, and why he is. We are not to praise just when the sun is shining, and all is right with the world, but also when hell is knocking on our door and we can't move for fear of being consumed. Praise isn't about you and your blessings. It is about God and his sovereignty and holiness."

So, in this case, you can talk about what you're thankful for but you must bring in the element of praise to the post. I've set a limit of at least 150 words.

That's it. If anyone follows my lead, they can take the photo above and paste it to their blog to show they're trying it.

OK, this sounds good. Can you tell me what the point is?

The point is that I spend so much time focusing on the negative aspects of my life that I forget to give you the honor due to you.

Do you have an example? Say a first post to get it going?

As it happens, I do.

I bury myself in the dirt of depression, dejection, and disappointment. I do not know why or how that happens. Days are spent in despair at the problems that arise with the sun. Yet, you are the resurrection, the way, the truth, and the life. I should not be buried. I'm alive because of your greatness, your grace, and your goodness. How can I spend day after day after day wallowing in my misery when you stand right there, with your hand extended to help me up? You, oh Lord, are the light unto my path, the lamp to my feet, and the peace that passes all understanding.

On the darkest days, you, Oh Lord, are my light to guide me through the darkest tunnels, and illuminate the deepest crevasses. You are the hope of the day and the assurance of the night. When I can walk no more, you carry me.

You are so much more than the sum of all my problems. You are worthy of all my praise.

........Well, I think that is a good start. Can I borrow one of those tissues?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

It is NOT All About You

Have you noticed that the world is all abuzz with the Osteen's latest joke? I don't usually get riled up easily but a foolish woman is worse than an abscess. I saw the clip of Ms. Osteen a few days ago but there was this article that further annoyed me today. 

Let me clarify, I don't disagree with the whole article but I am so sick and tired the Blame the Pentecostals game. I decided to vent my annoyances here, rather than posting comments all over the place that will just get me a deluge of email notifications filled with "negative energy." Remember that when I'm done.

The mark of bad journalism is generalization and bad research. The politically operated media has perfected the art to the point that nearly all media generalizes everything. They lump whole groups into one category regardless of facts. It would be nice to think Christian writers would use more care but this article's generalization that Pentecostalism birthed the prosperity doctrine is just annoying on a number of levels. It is a generalization and based on what I found, it is false. 

The truth is that some, who call themselves Pentecostals, adopted this ancient belief of the Prosperity Doctrine but there are a whole bunch more actual Pentecostals that absolutely do not believe in the prosperity doctrine. I am one of those.

I'm a 5th generation Pentecostal and in my entire 58 years no one ever told me I could get healthy and wealthy by living for God. Had they done so, I'd have laughed. They taught me I received eternal life and the privilege of living for an awesome God who loved me even when I was unlovable. They taught me by following God's Word in obedience that God would bless me but they didn't say I wouldn't suffer and they sure didn't say I'd get rich. I suffered and I'm sure not rich. But I've been blessed anyway. The Bible says He'll supply needs but it doesn't say "wants" anywhere. I believe if you are faithful in your walk with God and obedient "Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out." Deut. 28:6 I am blessed by his grace, mercy, and his presence at all times.

Deuteronomy 28 is the Blessing & Curses chapter. I've included the link and you can read it, if you want. This chapter tells the Hebrew children that if they obey God's law that they will be blessed in everything and he clearly tells what those areas are: finances, politics, family, farming, health and even warfare. However, there is a huge BUT in there. The flip side begins at verse 15 and clearly tells them if they failed to obey God's law they would suffer the curses. They had to obey the law completely to be blessed. Ouch. Explains a lot about what is going on in the world... and our lives.

The "New Age" Church says the law is no longer in effect. You hear this comment everytime you mention the 10 Commandments: "But that is the law! We're under grace now and that doesn't count." Some grace-sayers ignore one component of Paul's teaching - until I read the Law I didn't know about sin. How do you know what is sin if the Law is ignored? You can't just toss it out. It is your teacher. And based on Deuteronomy 28, the Law still counts. But I digress.

My biggest annoyance is with the Osteens. I've heard several of Mr. Osteen's comments and they share one central theme... self. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not about self... it is about Jesus Christ. The Osteens preach prosperity doctrine, which is really the doctrine of manifestation dressed in sheep's clothing. The doctrine of manifestation is if you believe something enough, it will come to you. You can visualize it into reality. It's central theme is self. Basically it is the theory of The Law of Attraction. Here's a few quotes from The Secret, the unofficial bible on this theory. Please note the focus is on self, not God.

  • Choose your thoughts carefully .. you are a masterpiece of your life
  • If you can think about what you want in your mind, and make that your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life.
  • Claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are yours.
  •  When you get the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator
  • We are the creators of our universe
This religion, and it is a religion because it elevates self above deity, making self its own God, was resurrected by a fellow called Thomas Troward in his book As a Man Thinketh,1902. He wasn't Pentecostal as near as I could tell. He believed "the action of Mind plants that nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary for its manifestation in outward visible form."(The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science, 1904). 

Another fellow and probably the real creator of Prosperity Theology, Bruce MacLelland, in Prosperity Through Thought Force, 1907 said this, "You are what you think, not what you think you are." 

Do those two quotes sound vaguely familiar? They should. They're quoting another fellow. In Genesis 3:4-5 "You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”  Translation: You are what YOU think... not what God says you are.

Mrs. Osteen's translation varies slightly: It isn't about God, it is about you. This further elevates self above deity. The central theme here is self. And if you know your Bible, you know this is the sin of Lucifer. It is also New Age religion at its most basic. 

How do I know this? Because Ms Osteen doesn't know her Bible. Thank goodness I am one Pentecostal who does. 

Revelations 4:11  Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

It is NOT about us. It is ALL about God. We were created by Him and for Him. Not for ourselves. Our worship is to Him and for Him. Our praise is to Him and for Him because of who He is. Not because of who we are.

Romans 12: 1-2 
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 

It is NOT about us. We are to give ourselves to Him to be used by Him as He sees fit. We are servants of the Most High God. We serve Him. He does not serve us. 

Colossians 2:8-10
 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

Did you see that? I'm betting that if you read that you completely missed the fact that that verse is a warning about philosophies that place anything ahead of Christ. Without God you are nothing. God is the head. His Lordship is established and I don't care who you are, what church you attend, or what creed you follow. It is all about Him. He is the Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and the End. Anyone who teaches otherwise is a false teacher.

When you start thinking that it is all about you, you have taken His seat. I have a newsflash for you. Once you remove God from his rightful place of sovereignty, honor and authority you cancel every promise made to you and for you from God. Remember Deuteronomy 28? You should read it. By usurping God, you place yourself under a curse. 

Romans 14:7
...saying with a loud voice, "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water."

Psalms 100:3-5
Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

No, it is NOT all about You.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dark Places

Lately I've been focusing heavily on getting into a more positive less negative frame of mind. For the most part, it has had only a mild effect. When you travel roads as dark and valleys as deep as I, it takes more than a ray of sunshine to brighten up your day. 

I've come a very long way into those dark lands. On few occassions I thought I'd nearly found my way out only to realize that it was just an small opening in the tangled mass of the forest through which I could see light or it was will-o-the-wisps in the swamps that surrounded me. 

I've been praying for direction and for some other issues that I can't deal with or face. I'm traveling in the dark. It is easy to get lost when you travel in such places. Often there are terrible monsters around every bend who creep along and follow you. You may not see them but you can hear them. Sometimes, they reach out and maul you, leaving you battered and bleeding.

Normally, I'd never talk about this but for a few weeks now I'm been getting mysterious messages, all containing similar directives. They all talk about this place I'm in and finding my way out. I've been praying for understanding too, because it's all just so confusing. 

Just two nights ago I listened to a sermon by T.D. Jakes about dark places and how sometimes you have to go into dark places to become who you are meant to be. It was a very revealing hour for me. So much of it made sense but don't think I had this great revelation of direction or that a star appeared in the sky pointing in the direction I am supposed to go. It did not. But at least there seemed to be a reason for being where I am... and one I could accept. 

This morning I read my devotional and I can't tell you what it was about. I prayed and I always pray on the way to work, nearly every morning. Usually it is just a prayer of thankfulness. 

As I traveled today I blurted out, "I feel as if I've wandered into this great dark cave and I've lost my way and can't find my way out. Once in awhile I think I can hear you calling me but it is so far away that I can't locate which direction it is coming from."

I am sure there was more I said but that one statment is all you need to remember. It is important. 

The day was probably one of the most hectic and totally unproductive I've ever had on my job. Most of it was doing someone else's job and leaving mine undone. At some point I realized I no longer cared. That was actually a surprising relief. 

Sometime before lunch, I sat down at my desk to read my email. I get a daily scripture via email and I always look forward to it. There are a lot of times when it is the only bright spot in the dark places. It glows briefly like a small flame of fire, not enough to really get warm by but enough to see how to travel a few more steps. So, I opened my email today and as I read the scripture something shifted in the darkness.

"Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD." Jeremiah 23:24.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Banning of Sin

I was reading my G+ thread and one of my contacts shared this article, When did Christians Get So Mean. One of our mutual contacts made an observation about the comments that aroused my curiosity. So, I went and read the first dozen comments. I did not read the article at that point because the comments so annoyed me. I just started writing this post. I stopped and went back to read because I didn't want to misinterpret the comments. I was trying to be fair. But you know what, people are mean. Christians and sinners alike are mean and nasty.

The article basically addresses how Christians respond to others. I had no real beef with the article. He told the truth. I agreed with much of it. We should show kindness, courtesy, compassion, and love at much as possible to all people. Christians are exhorted in Romans 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.  And in Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: But, the truth of the article was borne out in the comments. People are just mean, and although directed at Christians, it doesn't matter if they're a Christian or not. 

I had another problem with the article and comments. I completely disagree with the "acceptance with love" theology. This isn't a Biblical teaching in my view. It is a creation by people who want to water down or discredit the Biblical position on sin. The unbeliever would have us muzzled unless we paint a pretty picture of religion and stop talking about sin. We can't call sin, "sin". We can't state something is "wrong." We can't look like a Christian. We can't speak like a Christian. If we dare, there is a price. Ridicule, prejudice, even violence. We are now required to sit in the back of the bus and shut up. 

Christians are required by the current political climate to restrain their Christianity because the non-Christian, which includes the faithless and those of other faiths, are offended by Christianity. Replace Christian with Jew and tell me what image comes to mind.

I don't think it is as simple as that, but it doesn't really matter. When someone says "sin" I've noticed that hell gets uncomfortable. Hell wants a warm, fuzzy Christianity that opens its arms to everything without using the "S-word". We must not teach anything the Bible teaches about ... sin.  If Hell and the world had its way, nothing could be labeled as sin. If it felt good, looked good, tasted good, it would be acceptable. 

Have you noticed the trend in the world to ban the use of certain words? I have and it is frightening. As a writer, I believe that banning words is equal banning speech and both are equal to banning books. All three occur in societies that are on the brink establishing repressive regimes. There is power in words. It is true that some words are not good words. I find a lot of distasteful words in television, movies, and songs. Profanity should be banned, right? Derogatory appellations should be banned. Right? The word Sin should be banned. Right? No.  Removing select words may seem like a good idea but the list continues to grow. Track the word/book banning practice throughout history. It never ends well. The trend in this country is growing. 

The comments on the article reminded me of something that is seldom mentioned across pulpits or in commentaries. There is a point at which even Jesus lost it over the wickedness of his generation. He got totally out of control. He made a whip of cords. This took some time. He sat, twisting and weaving and plaiting that cord, thinking about what he was going to do when he finished with it. Anger was woven into its fabric. This was premeditated action. He carried it to the temple and proceeded to drive everyone out of the temple because they'd brought wickedness into God's house. He wasn't nice. He wasn't loving. And he wasn't forgiving. He beat the daylights out of them, destroyed their equipment, and called them ugly names. He was extremely violent. The gentle, loving carpenter exploded in fury over .... sin. If we did anything approaching that, we'd be in jail. Or maybe crucified.

Let's just be honest. Christians are required by God to tell the truth. Either something is sin or it isn't. To smile and say "Well, I believe that's a sin but you know, I accept you just like you are. God loves everyone and we're all sinners" is hypocritical. It is also a lie and a sin. Either we're lying or we're lost. Either it is sin and we as Christians must not accept it, or it is not sin. 

The Bible said shun the very appearance of evil. You can't "accept" sin in any form. You can love the sinner and pray for them. You can be kind, considerate, and compassionate, but you can't ever accept their sin. My mama said, "You're known by the company you keep." Accept sin enough and you'll be right in the middle of it.

 If you are a born again believer in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and believe he died to atone for the sins of the whole world, you are forbidden to continue to walk in sin. You were once sinners.  "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." Romans 5:19. You can't be a sinner and be saved and you can't be saved and be a sinner. That is a paradox and impossible.

There is a practice of quoting one line of scripture to "prove" we're all sinners. It is Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;  This is true. We are all sinners who "Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

I was once a secretary. When I left that job I was no longer a secretary. I had been one, but I changed and became a housing specialist. If we repent and turn from our sin, we are no longer sinners because Jesus buried those sins beneath his blood. They were obliterated and no longer exist. To say "we're all sinners" to excuse and accept sin is to make a mockery of the crucifixion. You just made the sacrifice of Jesus Christ void. 

Banning sin would be a good thing. Unfortunately, banning the word will not fix the problem of sin. Sin still exist and nothing we can do will change that. It doesn't mean that I hate anyone. I don't. I can't think of a single person I hate. There's a few I dislike because of their character, or habits, or behavior. 

There are a lot of people I love who simply will never agree with my beliefs. I still love them very much. I don't beat them up over it and actually, they don't beat me up either. We've learned to live peaceably without agreeing or accepting the other's system of beliefs. Because we love each other and I think because we respect the right of each to follow their own path. I could be wrong and they hate everything about me. That's their poison.

Christians are not perfect. We're trying to get there. We fall down, we crawl to the foot of the cross and we pull ourselves up with its help. Others choose not to follow that path. But neither should be casting stones at the other. Neither position is a reason to treat anyone with disrespect or cruelty. 

I think that is what that author was trying to say. And I agree with that. My guide is always the Word. In Romans 12:18 it says, "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men." Unfortunately, it isn't always possible. People are mean.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Great Awakening of My Own

It has taken me months to write this. Probably because I was so overwhelmed by what happened that I simply couldn't write it down. In October I attended the Re-Write writer's conference in Austin, Texas. This is the second year of this Christian writer's conference. It was my first writer's conference and I went with no preconceptions of what to expect. I was more than surprised.

Sometimes in the midst of the big plans and busy schedules I find myself brought to a standstill as He steps around a corner into my path. My trip to Austin was filled with these kind of interruptions. From the start, there was an atmosphere that I recognized but did not expect to find there. God's presence completely surround me and I found myself overwhelmed at times by it. It stunned me beyond an ability to describe it.

"It was only a writers' conference," you say. For me, it was so much more. The stories from other writers about their writing life, how it started and how they do it,  and the encouragement to write filled a vacancy in my soul that I had not realized was there. When one of them stood up and said, "Your writing is your gift, given to you by your Father" I wanted to cry. It became the theme running through the whole conference. This is my gift. I write.

You may view your writing as your talent that you worked hard on and all credit is your's alone. I do not and have never felt that way. I've always felt that I did not even own the stories I wrote. They come from someplace that I'm unfamiliar with and can't describe. So when those words were uttered, they opened a floodgate of emotion and brought such a peace and understanding about why I am driven to write.

I came home with a different view of my gift and found I was more concerned with the act of writing. I suppose you could say I came back with a clearer vision and a more defined purpose and a desire to keep those feelings alive. I want to write.

I also found myself craving the kind of spiritual environment discovered at the conference. I don't think anyone there was of my faith but rather, they were a bunch of people who felt a calling to write. Most were writing Christian fiction. I don't write specifically Christian fiction. I like what I write to be clean enough your great grandmother wouldn't blush.

But it wasn't about that. It was a room filled with a Presence because the people there, from several denominations, were in some way inviting that Presence. God wasn't denominational that weekend. He wasn't picking and choosing who to touch. He just was there in the middle of lectures on publishing and writing! There were no profound spiritual statements, no erudite monographs on Biblical events, and no sermons on proper Christian values, characters, and behavior. And still, there He was, right in the middle of the business of writing.

This should happen to everyone. I rediscovered the pleasure I get in writing. More importantly, I came away with an intense craving to stay in the Presence of God, wherever I go and in every circumstance.

I'll be honest, I don't actually know how to do that. I don't know how it  happened and I don't know how to recreate it. I have some pretty awful days filled with horrible stresses and pain that I can't begin to describe. You don't feel very close to God at those times and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't so angry at times, I can't even hear God or see Him. When all of your life hurts and you can't change it or fix it and there's no one to call, you feel about as isolated as it is possible to feel, as if you're on a distant, abandoned planet. You spend a lot of time searching for something to stop it all.

My experience at the conference showed me where I want to be and what I want to do. Everything in my life works against it. But like writing, you have to keep doing it. Keep pushing forward through pain, heartaches, and stress. Maybe up there, around the next bend, He's waiting.

Some people say God always walks beside you and you're always in His presence. I disagree. A lot of times He steps away or runs ahead and leaves you alone. I'm not sure why. Maybe He thinks you can handle the things you think you can't handle. If so, He has a lot more confidence in me that I do in myself.

Still, despite all the daily things that kill me mentally, spiritually, and physically, all I really know is that I long to be in a room saturated with that Presence. Indeed, I do not want to be anywhere else.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Into His Courts With Praise

Welcome. This blog has been a while in coming because I've been resistant to doing it. I started about two years ago to create it. Had it named and set up on my dashboard but never posted to it and never even made it public. It was just a name in my growing list of blogs. I left it that way for awhile but every time I came to my dashboard there it was, taunting me. Finally, out of frustration  annoyance, or just resignation that I'd never get it going, I gave up and actually deleted it from my blogs. That took care of it.

I thought.

Last week I took two days off because for over a month I had been very sick and was getting worse. I had to take off for a couple of days to get to a doctor and find out what was happening to me. Apparently, on top of everthing else I have, I have the Epstein Barr virus. I'd never heard of it. Didn't know what it was or what it would do to me. So, I was sick and scared and so very tired. 

During my time off I simply sat in a chair and listened to some YouTube videos and read some inspirational books. And I prayed because I don't know what else to do when I'm sick, and afraid, and alone. There is no one to hold my hand or wrap their arms around me.

I wish I could report I had this huge infusion of faith and was instantly healed and all my problems solved. I can't. I wish I could tell you I felt immensely better and didn't feel frightened anymore. I can't. I wish I could tell you that I knew everything was going to be all right. I could tell you all that. But I'd be lying. None of that happened.

Something else did.

I realized that no matter how bad it is, no matter how frightened I am, no matter how sick, frustrated, or tired I always want to be thankful and to render to God the praise He deserves despite life knocking me down and trampling all over me. So, I prayed and cried and listened.

During my attempt at rest a conversation ensued, in my head anyway.

"You need to start a blog called Rendered Praise." 


"I can't."

"Rendered Praise. You know... you had that started and just let it go."

"Because I didn't know what to put on it. I couldn't come up with anything to write about."

"You can now."

Pause. Shake of the head. "I don't think I can. I'm not very thankful for what is happening to me."

"Didn't say thankful."


"Well, I think I still have the blog out there on my list."

"No. You deleted it."

Oh. "Are you sure?"

I looked. Yes, deleted. Why did I do that?

"Doesn't matter. You can recreate it."

Sigh. Nods head. "Yes.... I guess so."

"Good.  Get started."

So, this week I recreated the blog and started thinking about what I'd post here. Just as I thought... I had no idea. Not a glimmer of one. Then, on Monday night around one a.m., after I went to bed exhausted from a night of trials, a glimmer of something came to me and I got up and jotted down a few notes. I knew it'd be gone in the morning and I'd need something to prompt me. In the morning, it wasn't gone and I knew I had the start of my first real post for this blog.

"I still don't know what to put on here."

"It'll come to you. Over time, maybe not every day or even every week. But over time, you'll get better at it. I mean, look at that, you've already started."

"It doesn't seem like much."

"I don't know. I like it."

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. Psalm 100:4. 

"See I told you, thanksgiving. Right there in black and white. And I still don't feel thankful."

"Will you get over it! Remember all those morning drives... for years now? Take my word for it, you're thankful...uh, maybe not so much for the bad stuff. But you're thankful. Besides, you're beyond the gates. You're in the courts."

Oh. Right. "So now what?"

"It's a surprise."

"Great. Just what I need."

"And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord." Psalm 27:6

I smiled. "Good one."

"I thought so."


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