Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

10 More Days of Praise: Day 6 Reasonable Service

Praise is mentioned 248 times in the Bible. I was so surprised when I saw that figure. I know that Psalms has many mentions of praise, but only about half that figure is in the Old Testament. The other half are in the New Testament.

So, it is just as important today as it was in the days of Moses, Joshua, and Solomon. We owe God so much and praise is one way that we can give back for some of the blessings that he's bestowed on us. Praising God for his greatness, the works of  his hands, for his love and mercy are the least we can do to honor God.

The psalmist knew the importance of praise. He spent a lot of time extolling the virtues of God through his praise. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day.--Psalm 71:8 

And it isn't just David that knew praise was necessary. Even a pagan king learned the importance of praising God. Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able to abase. --Daniel 4:37

Praise is our duty to the God who gave us life, gave his own life so we could be saved. For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. --Romans 11:36 

Just a few short verses away, Paul states I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. -- Romans 12:1

Our reasonable service? Reasonable to lift up praise to the One who created us? Reasonable to give praise to the Creator of the universe, not just this dusty planet he provided for us, out of an entire universe of other planets that he could have chosen as his favorite? We won't ever know until we are in his presence if he did such a thing but until then, we owe him our praises now.

O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. --Isaiah 25:1

Monday, September 21, 2015

10 More Days of Praise: Day 5 - Halfway to Success

I'm not at all in a praise frame of mind today. I'm rather downcast and sad and very tired this morning. I can't tell you exactly why because I don't really know. I could list a slew of reason, but they wouldn't mean much to anyone without background.

That's how life is, isn't it? There are days when we're just overwhelmed by a host of concerns, real and imagined, and we can't put our finger on exactly which one is giving us the mulligrubs.

However, I've made a pact to give God 10 More Days of Praise and I take my agreements seriously. Once I say I'm going to do something for someone, most especially God, I do my very best to keep my word.

But I don't feel like praising God today.

If we go by our feelings, we'll never find the time to give God the praise he so deserves. There will always be another pain, heartache, grief, accident, obligation, or souffle to get out of the oven. If we can't find the time to give God praise, I suspect more than the souffle is at risk of burning.

He has made me and supplied my needs. That is what he promised to do. He's kept his word. He also said he'd give me the desires of my heart if I just find my delight in him. I struggle to do that. Do you? So many things in life draw us away from delighting ourselves in God. I don't mean a dance at the altar or a dash around the church. Those are wonderful, to be sure, but generally only occur once or twice a week. That's not the only way to delight yourself in the Lord. I'm talking about continuing delight.

Have you ever seen a child eating their favorite ice cream? Have you ever seen them tumbling with puppies or kittens? Rolling in the floor with their father? How about story time with Mama? The look on their faces and the sound of their giggles are what is known as delight. They are enjoying the moment to the maximum.

There are so many ways to find delight in God. Our service, not only to our church but our families, those in need, the lonely, dejected, depressed, and forgotten all need someone to make them feel loved.

When I find ways to do things on His behalf, even if it is writing a blog post solely to give him Praise and share it with people I may never meet, speak to, or know in my life, I obtain a sense of happiness. When I write these posts I delight myself in Him because when we minister, in whatever way we are able, we minister to Him.

I learned in my last 10 Days of Praise that even on a bad day, writing one post that gives God praise was enough to lift my spirits, even if something hit me to tear me down later in the day. What I gained from the last round lead me to want to do it again.

I am halfway in my 10 More Days of Praise and I realized that it was about this same point I had problems the last time. I don't know if five is some sort of magic number or if halfway is just the natural point that struggle seems to catch up. I know that I had a rough time starting today. But I can't let that stop me. The rewards far outweigh the cost.

Take time today to give God all the praise. I can't improve on Psalms today. This says it best. Take a deep breath, let it out and as you do, give him praise.

Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.
Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. --Psalm 150

Sunday, September 20, 2015

10 More Days of Praise: Day 4 - This is the Day

This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. The sun came up and I was able to get out of bed with relative little pain,  most if it in my back. I praise God this morning because of his eternal goodness. Because he has saved me, I will praise him. Because he has kept me, I can praise him. 

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only does wondrous things and blessed be his Name foreverYou are worthy, Lord, of my praise. 

Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name. 2 Samuel 22:50 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

10 More Days of Praise: Day 3 - We're At War

We are always as war and in war there are enemies that creep into our lives and build fortifications that we are forced to scale. We must find ways to defeat those who inhabit these strongholds and then, we have to tear them down. These battles never end, though we peer into the future and hope for a day when we are at peace. If you feel you're there, I admire you.

So many battles and skirmishes in my life. I do not share much of my past on my blogs, even though you may think I do. Most of what I have shared is from my life after children and many of those who know me now would never imagine the some of the things I've faced. Yes, there or others who've fought more horrible battles than I, but those who know now would be shocked if I were to talk about my battles. It would sound ridiculous and impossible that I survived.

At times, I've been defeated but I do not tolerate defeat well. My attitude is and always has been to get back up and pursue the enemy rather than to lie down and die. Like Gandalf in The Fellowship of the Ring, I stand on a narrow path and drive my staff into the ground and face my enemy with the words, "You shall not pass!" I passed this advice to someone recently, who is fighting their own battle. We do not survive by allowing the enemy to escape. We stand fast and we fight.

I look back over the course I have taken and I see a Glorious Commander, directing and guiding my steps. At times, I disobeyed orders and paid penalties that nearly ended my fight. I've taken different paths and ended up in valleys and deserts where I was forced to survive  things I would not have had to face had I just followed the directives I received. But I dare not give up because I know whom I serve and giving up is not acceptable. I'm weary, battle scared, and worn and still I fight battles unknown by others. I am in a place with few friends, little family, and few resources. Still, I stand on that narrow bridge and refuse to allow my enemy to overtake me. The battle rages on for I will not submit or surrender.

I will call on him who is worthy to be praised and I shall be saved from my enemies. He's prepared a table before them where I shall eat in victory and extoll the might and majesty of the Lord of Host.

Holy, Holy, Holy is the God of my Salvation. Holy is the Name by which I am saved. Praise to God who became my Savior. With his hand as my guide, there is no battle I shall not win.

I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. --2 Samuel 22:4

Thursday, September 17, 2015

10 More Days of Praise: Day 2 - Praises Anyhow

As I expected, the first day of my challenge was done and things begin to happen to put me off any idea of praise. Extreme annoyances and aggravation eroded any good humor I had and the last thing I wanted to do when I sat down Thursday night to prepare this post was praise anyone. I won't go into it here because I'm not going to be dictated to by it. I'm going to do what I intended to do. I'm going to give God 10 More Days of Praise. 

I will cry out with my voice to the Ancient of Days
to give him all honor, glory, and praise. 
He redeemed me and saved me and gave me grace, 
and the longing of my heart is but to look on his face. 
To see in his eyes the scope of his love, 
with a promise of eternity in heaven above.
My verse is so lacking in beauty and form, 
Yet a King who stepped down and in a stable born 
would never my heart song think to scorn.
The choice of a cross over golden throne, 
all for the right to call me his own. 
So, I'll sing praise to the Lord with my soul and this song, 
and give the title to the One to whom I belong.

Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes; I, even I, will sing unto the Lord; I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel. --Judges 5:3

10 More Days of Praise: Day 1 - Beginning

I posted a few days ago that I planned to start 10 More Days of  Praise. I missed my start day. I woke up with a lot of energy and no fatigue. When I have days where like that, I have to get as much done as possible. I didn't touch my computer all day because I was cleaning and putting things to right in my spare room. I moved bookcases, chests, and got it all tidy. Now I have two rooms organized. I knew I'd have a rough start this morning and I did, but it isn't as bad as I expected. 

Today I begin my 10 More Days of Praise and I'm excited about it. I was excited when I decided to do it in the first place. When I think about the kind of problems I had in my first 10 Days of Praise, I get a bit nervous. You see, I know that as soon as you start doing anything remotely resembling praise or worship, the devil gets uncomfortable. He doesn't like it. I try never to let anything the devil thinks get in my way.

You, Lord, are MY praise, and MY God, that has done for ME these great and terrible things, which MY eyes have seen.(Deuteronomy 10:21 )

I give you all my praise, Lord for the things I have seen and you have done. I praise you for your grace and mercy. I praise you that each day they are renewed in my life. I praise you for the great power and strength that keeps me and upholds me through trials and storms. Without you, Lord, I would fail. I praise you for your eternal faithfulness.

Spend some time today, praising Him, regardless of your circumstances and expectations. Just give God the praise he deserves and He will give you what you need to make it through the day.

*All scripture is King James version unless otherwise noted. Some verses may be personalized but are still based on the original translation.

Monday, September 14, 2015

10 More Days of Praise?

My 10 Days of Praise Challenge over a week ago was a resounding success. I came away from it with such a sense of accomplishment and feeling far more positive than I did going into to it.

I've been contemplating those feelings ever since I finished and initially, I thought it was something I'd like to do every year. But it wouldn't leave me alone. I liked how I felt, despite several issues that arose during that time. I enjoyed doing it, despite having a few days of struggle trying to figure out how to keep it fresh. It was harder than I expected in some ways, easier in others.

So, guess what. I'm going to do 10 More Days of Praise! Yes. I am. I've already done the artwork with a photo I edited from Pixabay. I made it a couple of days ago when I was still thinking about it. I think the photo sort of pushed me over the line. I mean, once I completed it, well, it would be silly not to use it. Right?

So, beginning tomorrow, I'm going to start a new challenge. I'm giving Him 10 More Days of Praise. Don't get me wrong. This doesn't mean I don't praise God every day. I do. But I wanted to make an extra effort to share that with others. I wanted to impress on others that giving special praises to God is such a blessing, not only to God but to the person praising.

Very often we become robotic in how we worship and the words we say are more like a script we've memorized. We just say the words without thinking about them. When I write, my mind is fully engaged. I write with my full awareness and careful thought. My body is involved in the process: my hands write what my mind thinks, my eyes follow along to ensure there are no errors, my body works to maintain a posture that is not painful, sometimes I tap my feet, jiggle my leg, and roll my shoulders. That is how I want to approach my praise. I want to be fully engaged in the process of praising God.

Just to ensure you understand exactly what praise is, I'm repeating the definitions from my Day 6 post of 10 Days of Praise.

  • Worship: the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity
  • Praise: to express warm approval or admiration of someone or something
  • Thanksgiving: an expression of gratitude
I invite you to join me on September 15 to give God 10 more days of praise. You don't have to, of course. But it cost you nothing and the benefits, I can promise, are priceless.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Heart For Praise

I am really so glad I did my 10 Days of Praise Challenge. First, I actually finished something. That's gratifying. What I'm really excited about is the way it left me feeling. It will sound odd, but I'm relieved.


Yes. So relieved. It was difficult at times, but I felt so much better each time I posted that even with the problems surrounding me, I think I handled them better.

So what's next?

I want to do it again. In fact, I'd like to do it every day. Of course, I know I can't post every day on this one blog. I try and balance my posts between this and the other blogs and writing. But I've had this craving to do more of those praise posts. Not as a challenge, I think you can burn out on some things if you overuse them. I'd just like to write more of them whenever and see what happens. And I will do another challenge, maybe in a few months.

You said some things happened mid-way that wasn't so good. What if that happens again?

You'll know this already, but I'll say it for the benefit of readers. In my life, it would be unusual if something didn't happen.

This is true.

So, I can't be surprised if it does but I'd like to be able to cope when it does.

All right, then. What are you waiting for?

Oh... yeah, right.

You have blessed me and kept me for so long and I have given you so little in return. I want to take this time just to praise you for you faithfulness, your grace, and your mercy. You are so worthy of more than my small endeavor, but I praise you with all my heart, Lord.


Sunday, September 6, 2015



Yes, well. I'd say very well. Of course, I knew you could do it.

I didn't, not really. Around day five I almost gave up. I don't know if it showed or not but I did. I wondered what was the use. No one cared if I finished. No one would notice. I wasn't changing anything. 

Someone cared. Someone noticed. And it did change something.


No, really. You may not know about it. You may never know. Somewhere, sometime, someone will accidentally land on one of those pages. They might need what they see there. They may already have done so. And it did change something.


Not what. Who.

Well, who?

I'd say you've changed.

I  don't see how. 

Well, maybe what is showing was already in there and you've just let it show more.

There are many who would rather it didn't.

I'd day that's their problem. 

Yes, well. I am feeling let down. I'd like to keep this mindset for a while. 

I thought it was difficult?

Oh... it is really hard. But usually, when I sat down to write the day's post....


I felt better, at least for a while. And I think, no... I know that throughout the day I focused more on actively making an effort to keep praise in my mind. I got annoyed at things, even got upset so badly at one point I had to actually stop writing and walk away for a bit. There were things happening that so truly annoyed me. But I found myself thinking differently most of the time. 

Then I'd say it had an impact on someone.

I'll do it again, sometime. Not sure how soon, but I'm going to do it again. And I think the fact that it was 10 days rather than 30, made it easier to commit. I was afraid it was too short, but I think now, that it was just right. 

I think I was the one who suggested that. 

Yeah, about that. Next time, could you let me know at a decent hour? I mean, middle of the night, when I'm just about to fall asleep... not the most optimal time. I don't get much sleep anyway and I tend to forget things by the next morning.

But you didn't forget.

That's how I knew it was you. 


Oh....... I see. O.k. maybe late at night makes sense.

10 Days of Praise: Day 10

I did it! I did it! I am so excited! I took the challenge and gave him 10 Days of Praise! Imagine, 10 straight days of finding a way to Praise God through good, bad, and ugly.

Am I a better person? Do I feel less pain? Am I happier? Is life going the way I want it to? Who cares?

God is worthy of all praise. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. His name is holy and He is truly an amazing and wonderful Lord and Savior. He is the solution to the revolution in our world.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord. His name is above all names.

I challenge you to give Him praise! Not just for 10 days but for all the days of your life. He is worthy!

If you took the Praise Challenge, feel free to take the clip here, save it to your computer and upload the size you need to your blog and challenge someone else to give the Lord 10 Days of Praise.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 9

I can't believe how amazing the last 9 days have been. I've been hit with several things, almost as soon as I started this challenge. One day I really had a difficult time writing a post because there was just so much emotional stuff happening that I found it hard to praise God. I finally had to give myself a good talking to and remind myself that "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him!" 

It is a hard thing in the middle of trouble to step back and just give up. Yes, I said give up. Sometimes, you can't change circumstances, locations, people, or the bad brakes. Nothing you do will fix the problem. You have to physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually give up and let God deal with it. I've learned, even when I struggle with it, that this is the only thing that will get me through a situation.

Today, I'm using Psalms as my point of reference regarding praise. Please notice the first words of these particular Psalms is all about Praise. The psalmist started his prayers with praise. Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! That's the Psalmist, too. 

I want to praise the Lord for the works of his hands, of which I am one. My children are the works of his hands. My extended family is the work of his hands. My friends are the work of his hands. Oh, that men, women, and children would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! 

Oh God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. Psalm 108:1

Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise; Psalm 109:1

Praise ye the Lord, Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised. The Lord is high above all nations and his glory above the heavens.  Psalms 113: 1, 3-4

Friday, September 4, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 8

My day has not been good, so I'm late with my post. I woke up with a bad headache and severe neck pain and it hung on nearly all day. I've been so weak with fatigue for days now. Even going out to do a couple of errands this morning, with a migraine was almost too much. I came home exhausted and had to lie down for a few hours.

However, I have promised that I would give God 10 days of Praise and despite some residual pain in my neck and a mild headache, I'm going to get this post done. Before this day ends, I will give You praise.

You are my praise and my God, who has done these great and awesome things which my eyes have seen.*

You, Lord are my strength and my song. You are my salvation. You are my God, and I will praise you. I will exalt You as long as I have breath.*

As long as I am able to write, I will give you praise.

*Deuteronomy 10:21
*Exodus 15:2

Thursday, September 3, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 7

Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, 
the Holy One of Israel; 
I am the LORD thy God which
teacheth thee to profit, 
which leadeth thee by the way 
that thou shouldest go.--Isaiah 48:17 

It doesn't look like a scripture about praise, does it? Everyone immediately thinks of Psalms when you mention praise. That's natural because David and a few others wrote many beautiful Psalms about praise. 

Although the Bible is filled with scriptures all about praising God, particularly in Psalms, I've been focusing more on verses outside of Psalms. I supposed you could say I've gone off the beaten path. 

Over the years, particular since Jerry died, I've found that there are other places in the Bible that have verses that deal with praise. Of course, they're often not as happy as David was about it, but so often real praise is born out of grief, rather than joy. So much of my life has been filled with grief of one sort or another. Has your's? Before I was 20 I'd been rejected by both parents, experienced an alcoholic grandfather, lost the only mother I ever knew at 17, and left home while still grieving her death. I won't even begin to relate the next 39 years of praise formation.

I suppose in light of this, you could say that praises are the diamonds of our life. The chemicals that make up real diamonds lie buried deep within the earth and over time, this pressure of the earth causes crystallization and formation of some of the most beautiful gemstones in the world. They are highly prized and of great price. 

Praise is formed deep within us, beneath the pressures of our life. The pain of living forms pockets of chemicals within us that become compressed and begin to harden and crystallize. Left to themselves, buried within us, they become bitterness, heartache, anger, resentment, and ill health. 

But, what if we begin to dig them out, to excavate them? If we do that, we will realize their true worth and beauty. Praises are the hardened crystals formed within us that, once excavated, will reflect the light of His love to the world. Life up your praises and watch your life become a treasure house.

I can praise you, O Lord, for so may things - for the joy of the morning, the smile on Sarah's face, the song in my heart. I praise you because  you are our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. But I praise even more today because you've lead me in the way I should go. Without your guidance, I would truly be lost. 

I can look over the path of my life and see your hand at every turning in the road, at everydetour, and every pass. You have guided me true. I give you praise for the strength of your hands is sure and strong and the times I would falter, you hold me up secure. 

You are worthy, Lord, of all praise and honor. Your name is above all names and your glory is the only light we truly need. 

Holy, holy, holy, holy are you, our Redeemer and Lord. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 6

My 10 Days of Praise is nearly over, but I thought it appropriate to clarify why I made a point of focusing only on praise and clarifying why it's different from worship and thanksgiving.
  • Worship: the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity
  • Praise: to express warm approval or admiration of someone or something
  • Thanksgiving: an expression of gratitude
So often we interchange these three behaviors as if they are all the same. They're not, as you can clearly see from their definitions. Each is a different type of honor shown to God, given of our free will. They address three distinct areas that we are to bless Him.

We worship God when we give him reverence and adore him in our actions, words, and thoughts. This is generally a stance we take such as singing, lifting hands, prayers of adoration. When he blesses us, we express our thankfulness by giving him thanks, just as you would anyone who did something for you.

But praise is something completely different from the other two. Praise shows our approval of God and His choices for us. It's admiring Him for His abilities and His character. The power and grace and mercy of God should be awe inspiring. It should result in an earnest praise of his attributes.  It is more than thankfulness. Praise is admiration and approval for all that God is and all He does, and all that He has yet to do.

Praise is the complete surrender to God as the beginning and ending of our faith. It is a form of surrender. When we approve of God and his methods, we're saying He knows best, that He is in charge and we approve of that arrangement. Praise is a form of submission to God by showing our admiration and approval of his actions, regardless of how we think or feel about them.  It is acknowledging his authority and accepting Him as that authority. You see in these verses the use of both praise and worship. Exaltation is a form of worship.

I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make its boast in the Lord;
The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.
  --Psalms 34:1-3

I praise you, Lord for your authority and kingship over me. I give You my approval to manage the affairs of my life and I admire You for the grace and mercy You have shown.

Take time today to give God your praise. Even if it is just for one day.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 5

Let every breath praise the Lord. Let every tongue confess that He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Hear, Oh Lord, the voices of praise to you.

Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the Lord,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
Isaiah 40:28

I praise you, Lord. You're awesome, God. You're the Hope in hopeless, the Love in loveless, the Rest in restless. You are grace and mercy. Your power and might keeps the universe in balance and extends beyond my imagination. 

I praise you because you are worthy to be praised and you have made me complete and wholly yours by your love. You are an awesome God.

I give you praise because You are the Holy One of Israel, there is no God before you nor ever will be. You have declared it. 

Your arm is not too short to save us. Your ears not deaf to our cries. Your eyes see all that we do or say. 

From the east to the west there is none but you, Oh Lord. You form the light and create darkness. You make peace and create evil. You do all things and by you are all things. There is no power except that which you possess and direct.

Great is the Lord. I give you all my praise, oh Lord. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 4

For the times I couldn't sleep and you gave me rest, I praise you.
For the times I couldn't walk and you carried me, I praise you.

For all the miles I've traveled on roads unfamiliar to me,
And the pieces of myself lost in dark places, I praise you.

For all the trouble and trials, I praise you.
For all the tears, fears, and years of pain, I praise you.

For broken dreams and a broken heart, I praise you.
For lost people, lost hopes, and lost dreams, I praise you.

For the all the days of my life, I praise you.
For all that I was, I am, or could ever be, I praise you.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 3

Day 3 is Sunday, the day we are to dedicate to God because He gave it to us to refresh out bodies, our minds, and our hearts. It is his gift to us, but his desire was that we would desire to share it with him.

Sometimes I am unable to get to church because I can't move without a lot of pain. Or I'm so tired I can't focus or stay alert. I can't tell you the pain of not being able to go to church. It is at these times I miss Jerry most because all I would have to do would be to get dressed. He'd get me there.

Still, through pain and despair, I can love Him. I can give Him my praise. I can honor and love Him. Although, it counts for so little He is due, I can give all that I am able to His praise.

From a tiny ball of gas to an ever expanding universe, with one clap of Your hands we owe our life. No, there is no God like You, Lord. You are Creator of the Universe, Maker of Nations, and Light of the World. You are an everlasting Savior. You are more worthy than all the kings of the earth and Your power and glory fills all of Your creation. Your majesty is beyond our comprehension and yet, You stepped from your throne room and into a stable to give the world Your love and mercy. You offered hope and salvation and asked for so little in return.

“Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean;
Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes.
Cease to do evil,
Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Rebuke the oppressor;
Defend the fatherless,
Plead for the widow.
“Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the Lord,
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.
If you are willing and obedient,
You shall eat the good of the land;
--Isaiah 1:16-19

I give You all that I have of my praise for Your loving kindness is truly greater than life. My lips shall praise You all the days of my life. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 2

Courtesy Keep Calm-O-Matic
Isn't this cheating?

I don't think so. I mean, who knows what tomorrow will bring. My intention is to make a praise post for the next 10 days. I can write them when I want, but I must post one every day. Thanks to Blogger, I can have it post at the exact moment I want it to post. Besides, what if tomorrow I end up in the hospital?

I think people would understand.

This isn't about other people. I am harder on myself than anyone. I want to do this. I feel it is very important. So, I'm hedging a bit. Writing it when it comes and saving it for the next day.

They'd forgive you for missing one day. This isn't a requirement.

I think it is. At least, I think that is the point that you're trying to press home to me. It is important to recognize every day... no, every moment, that all the praise is God's and that every moment should be an opportunity to praise.

There are times when people can't stop what they're doing to give praise.

Why not? Muslims pray, actually get down in the street on a rug, for heaven's sake, and pray... five times a day! They do this rocking and bowing and kissing the ground while they worship their god. Why is it hard for us to stop 30 seconds throughout our day to say "You are great, Oh God, there is none like you! You are Lord, King, and Savior and you are worthy of all our praise." Really how hard is that?

Well... apparently it isn't as hard as I thought. You may be on to something.

I know!

So, you're going to do that from now on?


I said...

I heard you.


I'm going to do my best. I'm going to try and focus on it more. I think that is what gets in the way a lot of times. The feeling that you must - not - miss - a -  day. We hate that feeling. It is why diets fail and exercise programs fail. We have to do it. This... this has to be from the heart and when it is, we don't think in those terms. We don't have to do, we can't help it.

Besides, you know that I do stop several times a day to give you praise. Mind you, I don't count them, but we both know that no matter where I am, I usually take a moment to tell you how amazing you are and how much I love you.

I've noticed. And at very odd times, I might add.

Right. Sometimes I whisper it and others, like alone in the car, I just say them out loud. Usually, I just can't help it.

I delight greatly in you, Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For You have clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of Your righteousness...You are a God at hand and not afar off. Oh, that men would praise you for your goodness, and for your wonderful works to the children of men. Oh God, my heart is fixed. I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.

Friday, August 28, 2015

10 Days of Praise: Day 1

I had an idea.

I'm listening.

I want to do a new challenge.

You didn't do so well on the last one.

Thank you for reminding me. No, this is slightly different. Well, only in focus and in time span.

I see you've been playing with again.

Yeah, I gotsidetrackedd looking for a photo. Do you know how hard it is to find a photo of someone praising or worshiping?

Do you know how hard it is to find someone praising or worshiping?

Uh... well...

Never mind. Your idea?

I was trying to go to sleep last night and this idea just popped into my head.

Funny how that happens, isn't it?

Yeah! Really. I mean, I'm not thinking about this stuff. I'm trying to go to sleep and there it is, like a blinking billboard. I don't know why that happens.

Could it be because you're not talking, and you're still?

Hmmm... maybe... Anyway, the phrase popped into my head 10 Days of Praise. No idea what it is about, but I thought it would make a nice challenge for me.

And how would this challenge play out?

Well, funny you should mention that because I didn't really get beyond the idea before I went to sleep. I mean, all I got was a concept. I'd blog for 10 days and I would focus it on praise.

That's rather limited, isn't it? I mean, you could list 10 things and be done in less than 10 minutes.

No, no, that's not the intent. I mean, I think the spirit of the thing is important. Everyone does these lists of things they're thankful for and I think there is even a 30-day thing on that FB page. No, I want to do something different. I want to write blog posts for 10 days and each one MUST be centered on praise. I want to bring scripture into it, but not long quotes of it. I just want to focus on praise as the overall theme of the post.

I see. Well, you said this is a blog about praise. Sometimes I've wondered. 

You're trying to be funny again.

How's it working?

Never mind. I'm going to make guidelines now. I'll be back.

I'm not going anywhere.


I'm issuing a challenge to myself and to anyone else who may happen to read this. For the next ten days, I will write a blog that will be in praise to God. I'd love you to do this with me, particularly if you're having a rough time right now. I think it can make a difference in how we approach our problems.

This isn't an "I'm thankful for" blog post. We're thankful for stuff all the time. This time I want to focus on the praise aspect. Most people equate praise with either thankfulness or worship. It is neither. I quote from an earlier blog: The Price of Admission  "Praise is not thanking God for the blessings. It is honoring God for who he is, what he is, and why he is. We are not to praise just when the sun is shining, and all is right with the world, but also when hell is knocking on our door and we can't move for fear of being consumed. Praise isn't about you and your blessings. It is about God and his sovereignty and holiness."

So, in this case, you can talk about what you're thankful for but you must bring in the element of praise to the post. I've set a limit of at least 150 words.

That's it. If anyone follows my lead, they can take the photo above and paste it to their blog to show they're trying it.

OK, this sounds good. Can you tell me what the point is?

The point is that I spend so much time focusing on the negative aspects of my life that I forget to give you the honor due to you.

Do you have an example? Say a first post to get it going?

As it happens, I do.

I bury myself in the dirt of depression, dejection, and disappointment. I do not know why or how that happens. Days are spent in despair at the problems that arise with the sun. Yet, you are the resurrection, the way, the truth, and the life. I should not be buried. I'm alive because of your greatness, your grace, and your goodness. How can I spend day after day after day wallowing in my misery when you stand right there, with your hand extended to help me up? You, oh Lord, are the light unto my path, the lamp to my feet, and the peace that passes all understanding.

On the darkest days, you, Oh Lord, are my light to guide me through the darkest tunnels, and illuminate the deepest crevasses. You are the hope of the day and the assurance of the night. When I can walk no more, you carry me.

You are so much more than the sum of all my problems. You are worthy of all my praise.

........Well, I think that is a good start. Can I borrow one of those tissues?

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Broken Covenant

I'm grieved a lot lately. There is so much craziness going on in this country. Never mind the rest of the world. America has become a byword, as my Mama used to say. With all the chaos and hatred being fostered and fed in this country by the inmates of this American Insane Asylum I now find myself trapped in, I've been asking where we're headed.

I've lived through some amazing times when the country was divided but eventually came together and reunified, slowly to be sure, but progress was being made. I've watched certain parties slowly apply wedges in that joint and pry it apart, chipping away at all that had been accomplished by dedicated, intelligent men and women, some of whom died. I've watched the 21 Century MLK wannabes make fools of themselves and those who follow them.

I've also heard the voice of the watchmen crying loudly from the walls of the City on a Hill that was once a shining beacon to the world for peace, prosperity, and hope to the tired, downtrodden, and destitute but which is now a guttering candle struggling to light the darkness spreading across this land of zombies and dead men walking. Because darkness is spreading. We have turned a corner and are about to watch the greatest downfall since the Roman Empire. I believe this because all the signs are there.

So it was with a shock when I read today the outcome expressed in these words to a nation hell-bent on following its own way with no thought to the warning signs. It speaks about the Jerusalem but as we all know, any nation that blatantly transgresses has condemned itself to judgment and is subject to the wrath of God. Here is the outcome for a nation warned and unheeding of the warning. I've deleted some text to shorten it. You can look up the original if you choose.

2 Chronicles 36:13-16 -- He became stiff-necked and hardened his heart and would not turn to the Lord.......all the leaders of the priests and the people became more and more unfaithful, following all the detestable practices of the nations and defiling the temple of the Lord, ....The Lord, the God of their ancestors, sent word to them through his messengers again and again, because he had pity on his people and on his dwelling place. But they mocked God’s messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the Lord was aroused against his people and there was no remedy.

This nation has been blessed beyond measure. People who had nothing came here and became unbelievably prosperous. To come to America meant you could live well. Millions did it. It became known as the land of promise to any who stepped on her shores. Did you even notice when that changed? You can blame it on politicians, but did you not see that they had no control over it? In fact, did you notice that the counselor to our leaders helped them make decisions that have destroyed the economy and the culture of this nation?

Look back in time to when the prosperity began to fail. As of today, we are a nation near destruction. No longer can anyone succeed in this country. No longer is there freedom to the oppressed and dejected. No longer is there peace in our borders. No longer is there the rule of law. The law is now twisted and contorted to suit the demands of the few and lawless. The flames of hatred are fanned by malicious and violent people. For the first time in history, the nation is at risk of terrorist from outside and inside. Why?

Because what you are witnessing is the removal of a blessing that was originally placed on this nation. A covenant was made by the founding fathers of America. But we have defiled the land and broken the covenant that was made by the founders.

I don't care what you think. Each of those men believed in a higher power and dedicated this nation to that power, and they signed a pact to that effect.

The final line of the Declaration of Independence says:  "We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

With the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the founders of this nation made a signed contract where they state they are appealing to the Supreme Judge for the morally correct behavior or thinking; righteousness of their intentions and that they firmly rely on the protection of divine Providence. They pledged their lives, fortunes and honor to one another. This pact is a covenant. With the signing of this document, the founders, not only notified the King of our independence from Britain, they made a signed Covenant with God for his direction and protection.

American has rejected and revoked that covenant. We no longer are under the protection or direction of God. We have rejected both. When you break a covenant, the rules and promises made by that covenant are no longer binding. America no longer resides under the protection of the Supreme Judge because we rejected the morally correct thinking agreed upon by the men who signed the covenant and we've rejected the righteousness and morally right thinking.

I know I stand in a ridiculed and marked minority. Those who have rejected the counsel of God and the warnings of the watchmen now seek to silence the voices that would still cry out a warning. We love our nation. We love our people. We plead for their restoration.

I do not know when or what form destruction will come. I believe it is coming. I only know that there is always a point beyond which you must not go. If you elect to step outside the wall, the watchmen can't save you. When you break your covenant with the Supreme Judge, there is no power that can save you. As the Chronicler noted, there is no remedy.

Isaiah 24:1-6 (NIV)

See, the Lord is going to lay waste the earth
    and devastate it;
he will ruin its face
    and scatter its inhabitants—
2 it will be the same
    for priest as for people,
    for the master as for his servant,
    for the mistress as for her servant,
    for seller as for buyer,
    for borrower as for lender,
    for debtor as for creditor.
3 The earth will be completely laid waste
    and totally plundered.
The Lord has spoken this word.
4 The earth dries up and withers,
    the world languishes and withers,
    the heavens languish with the earth.
5 The earth is defiled by its people;
    they have disobeyed the laws,
violated the statutes
    and broken the everlasting covenant.
6 Therefore a curse consumes the earth;
    its people must bear their guilt.

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