Wednesday, August 14, 2024

An Empty Tank

 I stole this photo from my sister's Facebook page. I haven't told her yet but I think she'll forgive me. 

She took the photo when she was stranded beside the road because she ran out of gas... 1 mile from the gas station. Apparently, she forgot to get gas before she started on her journey. 

I hate when that happens. Life gets so busy and you're rushing around to do what has to be done and you forget to fill up. I'm thankful that hasn't happened to me in a long time. The last time it did was just after Jerry died. 

My mind wasn't on my journey either. My brain took months to wake up after his death, and I did a lot of stupid things like running stop signs and redlights. Never in my whole life had I ever done those things. I had never run out of gas before either. And my sister, well, her mind wasn't on her gas tank. Since I know her life is pretty busy, I'm not surprised. 

Our spiritual lives are exactly the same. The tank may run low, or even run dry, and we can find ourselves stranded somewhere beside a road with no help. Failure to keep the tank full is dangerous and may result in a situation we can't handle or where there's no help. 

I've tried to make a better effort to read my Bible and pray more. Sometimes I feel like I've prayed all day because I have long conversations with God when I'm doing other things, like dishes or laundry. Sometimes when I can't sleep and my brain won't stop chasing tasks, problems, and fears, I talk to him about it until I can get to sleep. It takes me hours most of the time. Going to sleep at 3 a.m. is not unusual for me. My mind is chaotic, a journey in turmoil. So, I talk to the Engineer. 

Waking up tired and in pain in every part of my body has become my norm. The first thought of the day is wondering if I can get up and down the hall to make coffee. It's a long, painful journey. I spend the next few hours sitting talking to the Lord and reading my Bible. That doesn't make it less painful but I feel better in my mind. After all, topping off the tank is a comfort when life is most difficult. "At least I won't run out of gas!" Those are probably the most comforting words when you travel rough roads. 

Our spiritual tank is so much more important. Neglecting to fill it every day could find us stranded somewhere along the road with no one to call. My sister got help to continue her journey. Her husband came and rescued her. Not every journey has a happy outcome. That's why it is important to keep the tank full. 

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