Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Locked Doors

Today I've started seeing more photos of those dying from the virus. When I see those, it becomes very scary. I'm still a bit younger, but not that much. And then I see younger folks who have recovered talking about how bad it is. There is no good news, is there?

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25.

Oh, well, you know what I mean.

No good news regarding the virus. That's true. 

Can't you please stop this?

No one wants my help. The world has spent decades attempting to eradicate my existence. I am banished from the planet by the inhabitants. I do not go where I am not invited. 

Me either. Not all of us feel that way.

No, but majority rules apply in your world. Until that world sincerely wants a Savior, I can't act. If you call for help and then bolt the doors and windows, it is unlikely you will receive help.

It's sounds horrible.

I gave man free will. That comes with responsibility and consequences. I did not create sin, sickness, or death. They are the inventions of man. Yet, I did send help. Man killed and buried that help and has attempted to bury every mention and destroy every representative. It doesn't get much clearer than that. 

Humanity did not and never has wanted my help. They are at the mercy of their own actions. Those who have chosen to follow me are few. But remember this, I've never ignored a sincere call from my people. 

I know this. And I know that just because we ask, doesn't mean this virus will disappear.

The laws of nature are cruel but irrevocable. The world is out of balance. And the consequences are inevitable.

Be merciful, Lord.

If I were not, the world would have ended many times over. 

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