Monday, July 28, 2014

A Conversation

I've been thinking about something. Well, actually, I've been rereading my blog posts. Do you think that's vain?

I don't know about vain. It might be boring.

Really? Really?

Oh, it was a rhetorical question. I'm sorry.

Huh. Anyway, I've been rereading them.

Should I ask why now?

Not if you aren't interested.

I'm interested in everthing you do. Why have you been rereading them?

I do that now and then, search back and read something I read long ago. Or see something that had a lot of hits and I want to know what they're getting out of it. I want to figure out if it was worth their effort.

O.k. so you reread them to see if it was better than you thought. 

Hmmm... maybe. Anyway, lately... well... I've found things in them... things I needed.

I hope so. Otherwise, I'm slipping.

No, you're not slipping. I'm not really with it. I just went back over the last week or so of posts and realized that they're mostly for me. I doubt anyone will get any sense out of them. Kind of wasted as a blog goes.

You said from the beginning this was your way to render praise. You're insights, visions, desires, confusion, frustrations, heartaches, and even prayers offered up as a praise. Or did I misunderstand your intentions?

No. Maybe I did. It all seems so foolish. I'm pretty sure no one else does this. I sit around the house having these conversations. I write a blog of conversation. They're like letters to someone or text messages I guess would be more current. They'll be sending men in white coats to get me.

I wouldn't worry about that. They turned all those folks loose long ago. You're safe. Besides, the conversations are why I keep coming back. 

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