Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Art Work By God

Stone Pier
I've kind of stepped off the end of the pier.

Yep. I'd say that just about describes it.

I'm not a good swimmer.

I know. You dog paddle pretty good. But you do need to work on treading water.

See, I know that. I hate treading water. It is exhausting and you don't go anywhere. I can float, though.

{sigh} That is unproductive and you can end up in some very deep water by just floating.

I'm already in deep water. What am I going to do?

Now? Tomorrow? Next year?

No, after I'm out of a job.

Do you know that every 13 seconds some dies?

Uh... no... well, I do now.


Is there something I should know?

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Matthew 6:34

So, do I need to start planning my funeral?

We do that the moment we come into the world. But I can see you're concerned....

Just a tad.

If you feel the need, then by all means. My point, since you don't seem to have grasped it, was that at any moment time can stop. On August 1st your job ends. But  none of you may see August 1st. Why do you feel concern for a date that may never arrive? And if it does, will worrying about that day and the following days allow you to change whatever is going to happen then?

Well... when you put it like that....

It's ok. For some folks I have to draw a picture. You tend to be one of the brighter ones but sometimes.....

Gee, thanks.

You're welcome.

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