Thursday, March 30, 2017


For a few days now I've been overwhelmed with a sense of just how amazing and wonderful the Lord. It is beyond my abilities to tell you of his greatness and the feeling of something so grand, so infinite, so beautiful as this Savior who always seems to be just beyond my sight and yet so clear to my soul.

For days I've been miserable with growing pain. The weather has been horrible and we've had heavy clouds for days with scattered showers. The worst weather for me. My hips hurt when I try to walk and my lower back feels as if it has been replaced with a steel plate and rebels with sharps pain when I ask it to bend. My shoulder sends spikes of pain into my neck. My hands feel like sausages as they run thru the machine that grinds and then shapes them into links.

But God is ... he is just right there. My craving to talk to him, see him, burrow into his shoulder is tangible and the elusiveness of it is more painful than all my physical pain because I know that there lies the rest and relief my body screams for but can't seem to find.

And still, my heart says with complete confidence, "He is my shield. He is my strength. He is my portion. He is my shelter. He is my strong tower. He is my Deliverer. I trust in Him."

The storm has started here, with dark clouds and blowing rain. I'm not too worried. I have my shelter.

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