Sometimes I have dreams. I don't always remember them, but once in a while I have a dream that just sticks with me. This week I had such a dream. I dreamed that a woman approached me and we sat down together. She said, "I have 5 million dollars. How much do you want?" I told her what it would take to pay off my house. In fact, I told her a bit less than it would take. As I write it, I find this amusing. She asked how much I wanted and compared to $5M I mention a paltry sum. In fact, it is less than $45K and doesn't include any other bills.
Crazy dream, isn't it? So, why do I mention it here?
Funny you should ask. The story actually started a couple of days before the dream. I was going over some financial things and seeking solutions. I sat down to do my morning devotional and when I was praying, I just put these financial issues out there. I actually said, "Lord, I just need enough money to pay off my house. If I didn't have that payment, I could actually use the money I spend on the payment to pay for the repairs I still need." See, I have no family and friends to help me do the repairs and no spare money. So, they can't get done.
I know that God has plenty of money. I have also always believed that if we ask God for our needs he'll provide them. He promises nothing more nor less than needs and years ago I learned this method is more than adequate. But the truth is, in my mind I doubt anyone is going to step up and give me this money. Maybe that's why they don't. So, I asked God to help me figure out a solution.
I still don't have one.
But here's the thing. I can't get that dream out of my head. It just keeps replaying in my head. I'm chuckling to myself even writing about it. It is a crazy dream and should have been forgotten by now. In fact, I shouldn't have remembered it in the first place. But I do, in fine detail.
So, today I decided to do something equally crazy. I decided to thank God for paying off my house in my dream. Yeah, really. I did it. The thought just came to me in the car - you should thank God for paying off your house in your dreams. You know me and my car have a close relationship with God, If you've read any of my blogs, you know God talks to me in my car... a lot. Anyway, I had this crazy thought and decided to thank God for paying off my house in my dreams. At least it is paid off somewhere!
Yes, I did it. Right then.
I have no idea what the dream means. It could be what I had for supper. It could be that I was so distressed over this issue it surfaced in my dream state. A strange woman with $5M offers me money. What are the odds of that happening. When I decided to thank God for paying it off in my dreams I heard a voice in the back of my mind say "what's the catch?" but I'm ignoring that. I'm just thankful that somewhere, subconsciously, my house is paid off.
Now, if I can just convince the bank.
I'm not sure that the bank would be convinced.