Monday, May 27, 2013

Stormy Wind

There was a brief shower tonight at dusk. I stayed on the patio as long as I could but it grew too dark to read and I could feel the rain coming. I didn't want to leave the patio. For half an hour I watched the sky grow dark and the winds twist and bend the trees and rattle the leaves. And I felt you there. Right there. It occurs to me that I most often do find you in the storms.

I have always loved the storms and tonight it occurred to me that maybe that is why I love them. There is a sense of awe that overwhelms me when I'm in the midst of one. I am pulled into the tempest, at least, I feel as if I am and it is an amazing feeling of freedom. For me, sitting there with it all roaring around me is about the only time I actually feel alive. I've been called insane a few times. 

But every storm I've ever lived through, hurricanes, massive thunderstorms, lightening shows that can strike terror even in me - all fill me with the same sense of awe. I am so caught up in it that I have to forcible remind myself that storms are dangerous. There are times I can remember seeking shelter reluctantly, wanting to watch that power unfold but knowing that there was no wisdom in that.

You're there, right in the middle of it and in my mind, I see you dancing on the storm clouds and laughing with each bolt of lightening and turning your face up to the drenching rain. And I want to do that. I want to dance in the storms, feel the wind swirling around me, tugging at my hair and clothes, to see the lightening searing the sky. I want to be soaked to the bone and still running in the rain.

The power that surrounds you is so amazing and so wonderful that only in the storms can I ever come close to seeing it fully. 

Psalms 148:7-8 Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps: Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling his word:

After the storm I'm always left with a longing to see it again.


  1. I love watching storms from the safety behind a window.

  2. Cindy, I am sitting in the doctors waiting room with simon and amusing myself with my lovely new smart phone. I just found this and it is so beautifully written. I felt like I was reading a novel. I miss not having time to keep up with blogs. Xx


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