Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Rank and File of Archangels?

I don't presume to be an expert on Biblical issues. I just read the Bible. I've read it cover to cover straight thorough once and over the years in many other orders. My friend Sheila posted an interesting blog on her site regarding archangels and who Michael is. I wanted to weigh in with my opinion and almost put it in her comments. Then, I realized, I had a nice long post and decided to post a link to her post instead and put my response here. I hope she isn't offended. It is unintentional. Please realize this is my OPINION based solely on what I've read in the Bible and rationalized based on my experiences.

There appear to be several archangels mentioned in the Bible. The three known by name are Lucifer, Michael, and Gabriel. Based on the episodes they appear in, each holds a  different office although their rank may be the same. This is the way it is in any military organization. There are lots of generals of varying ranks. The top generals may hold the same rank but they have different positions within the military. Arch-angles are also God's messengers. If you compare the messages they deliver in the Bible, you will can get an idea of the difference in their positions.

Lucifer, of whom little is said in the Scriptures, appears to have held the highest office at one point. He also led the choirs of heaven and is purported to be the most beautiful creature in heaven. Pride in his position, his accomplishments and his beauty resulted in a rebellion in heaven that led to war and ultimately destroyed him. He exalted himself above God.

His position was one charged with the eternal worship and praise of the Creator. I suspect any messages he would have had to deliver would have been related to to praise and worship. Is it any wonder that he tries to prevent that very thing in human beings. Is it surprising he has warped and corrupted music! His goal is to prevent praise and worship of almighty God, the very thing he was in charge of, and to cause humanity to turn their praise and worship on things that insult God!

Michael appears to always have been in charge of the armies of God. He probably was the leader against Lucifer's rebellious army. He probably fought directly with Lucifer. Michael also appears to deliver specific kinds of messages. They tend to be related to his position as a leader of the holy armies and are often related to battles of one sort or another and the victory of God's armies.

Gabriel appears to deliver completely different types of messages. He usually delivers exciting, joyful news. Gabriel was the messenger who appeared to Mary to inform her she was pregnant with the Saviour of the world. Michael may deliver urgent, disturbing news, such as he did to Daniel.

The fact that Michael seems to now have the highest ranking office, at least in the minds of men, is not a mystery or surprising. As in any organization, when someone at the top is removed, the next highest ranking officer is moved up. Michael very likely took Lucifer's place as the highest ranking angel but his talents were not in leading the choirs. He was leader of the military. That is the logical conclusion based on the mentions of him in scripture.

The choirs still sing but their current leader appears to be an unknown. Perhaps for a reason. That position could never ever be held again by any creature willing to usurp God. As leader of the heavenly troops, Michael probably oversees this position closely. The potential for pride of life would be very great for the one in charge of eternal worship and praise.

The ranking order is not unsurprising either. In the beginning, God's priority was worship and praise first, defense of the kingdom second, and glad tidings third. Why glad tidings third? Before the rebellion, there was no one to send them to nor much need! The rebellion was before man was created. Heaven was all good.

Now it would seem His priority, after the traitorous Lucifer, has shifted slightly. Now, defense of the kingdom comes first and then, glad tidings. Eternal worship and praise will be the priority after Satan is defeated. We are, after all, at war.

Of course, debates can be held from now to eternity but relying solely on the Bible, I think there is enough evidence to support this view.

If you are interested in such things, the Book of Enoch is quite interesting. Much of it is confusing and difficult to read and understand but there are sections which are very interesting in regards to the rebellion in heaven and the angels, both faithful and fallen.

Thanks to Sheila for a thought provoking post.

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