Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Eternal Slavery

That didn't go well (speaking of the previous post).

I noticed.

Pain got out of control. A riot broke out. Criminals tearing down the country. I kind of lost direction. 

That can happen when you lose focus. You get lost.

Oh. Well, yeah, that's kind of what happened. 

I'm sorry. But you seem to have found your way back.

Yes, but I didn't keep up my 10 days of Praise as I planned. I completely flubbed it. 

That's true, but I think we've talked more lately. I've enjoyed that.

Why do I feel so down in the dumps?

Maybe because the world has become a dump? Look at what they're doing. They're saving me a lot of time burning things down. If they keep it up, I won't have much left to do.

I don't think that's funny. It's very painful to watch them try to destroy our history. It isn't perfect, but it reminds us.

They don't want reminders. They can't forgive and so they can't forget. They want to eradicate it and pretend it never happened. It is why they blame people who were in no way responsible. They feel better having someone to blame rather than admitting it can't be fixed or changed. They are stuck in the past and that is why they can't prosper. Tearing down buildings and statues makes them feel as if they've actually done something. They haven't, of course. They've destroyed their own people and lived up to the expectations of certain groups. Rather than defying the stereotypes, they've lived up to them. 

I studied history. It isn't pretty in any age. Terrible things happen to all cultures. But most of them recover, move on, and change their world for the better. Of course, corrupt people pop up and mess it up, but in virtually every case, people overcome and move toward a better state. They don't keep reliving it. 

The world no longer looks to the source of love and forgiveness. They no longer abide by holy laws. They've become corrupt in their hearts, and this damages their minds. Those who will not forgive wrongs curse themselves and their descendants to relive them and never find peace. 

Forgiveness releases one from the past? 

The past is finished, but unforgiveness acts as a chain to bind us to it. So, it binds the unforgiving to their past. And they will repeat it as long as they remain chained to it. Unforgiveness is slavery perfected. Eternally bound to the past and all its pain.
