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Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. -- Philippians 2:14-16
That was in my email this morning. Hmmm, I suppose this is a nice way of saying I'm in trouble?
Not at all. Paul was writing a letter to some of his congregants.
I need to read the whole chapter, don't I?
If it will help you understand it better. I mean it is only one verse.
Hang on a sec.
He couldn't go to this group so he sent a couple of other fellows. One of them was sick himself but he went anyway. O.k. but I still think that verse up there was deliberately in my email.
I don't send out emails.
I know you don't but you know who does.
Something about that verse offends you?
That first part kind of bites.
I'm sure it does but would you care to share?
People will read this.
Uh.... yes... but isn't that what you intended?
Sort of but I've questioned it two or three times.
And you keep writing it.
{sigh} Yes...
I thought you didn't like expressing sighs in text?
I don't. {sigh}
O.k. so, I don't like whiners. You see that first verse: Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
Yes. You think that might be important?
See, if I could type this in third person they would be able to hear the sighs and see the looks but since I am writing it in first person, that's difficult. Anyway, I suspect it was what you wanted me see.
Well, then, I guess my work is done.
Oh, no you don't. Stop right there.
Was there something else you wanted to know?
You can't go slipping notes under my door and sneaking away. You know very well that I have been thinking about this a lot lately.
I suppose it did come to my attention but let's be clear here. Do I email or do I slip notes under the door: There's a distinct difference, you know. And frankly, I'm not really happy being thought of as a stalker. Is a spammer any better?
{sigh} Sorry. It wouldn't be spam since it is an email from another party.
Ah..then that's good.
.... which I think you influenced.
And when I read that, it reminds me of another verse.
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. -- 1 Timothy 1:15
Oh, that's a good verse.
I'm talking about the last phrase: of whom I am chief.
Ah, yes. Well, if it is any comfort, you're not the chief whiner. And you aren't the chief disputers either... just in case you were wondering.
I didn't say I was a whiner. Where did you get that?
Right up there... but perhaps I misunderstood you.
Hmmm. Well, not exactly but anyway, disputing didn't strike me much at all. I don't like arguing with people. Often, I'll let them think what they want. I see no point in arguing with folks who have their mind made up. But that other thing... murmurings...this is a big problem for me. I looked that up.It means "a subdued or private expression of discontent or dissatisfaction".
Isn't that the definition of a whiner?
Well, maybe, sort of, but.. never mind. Listen, I'm alone for the most part, all day. No one hears the things I say, to myself and to you. And we both know that I'm a heavy murmurer.
Hmmm, well you did say "private expression"....
Yes, well, anyway, the verse sort of hit me between the eyes. Then I read the next verse.
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
I'm not happy with this. I want to be blameless and harmless, without rebuke, which just for the record, I think that email was, a rebuke, you know?
I do.
I'm in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation of people who go around destroying property and hurting people to make people think like them. I don't want to think like them! I'm not happy with my situation much of the time. I don't advertise it to the whole world but I do here, at home, alone.
You have a question in there somewhere.
I ramble.
Yes, but I've got time. But let's consider your readers.
I'm not much of a light either. We both know I live in a rather .... dark place at times.
I've seen a light on.
Ha, ha. Still, it doesn't matter if I'm home alone or on the street corner. I should try harder not to do this. If I spent a lot of time in public doing that, it would be a bad influence, like those protesters. But even though I'm alone and no one hears, I'm influencing myself. My mood, my opinions, my thought are all directed by my actions and attitudes. Even when I'm alone.
I see.
Well, yes, I suspect you do. The other part of that last verse suddenly made more sense: "among whom ye shine as lights in the world;"
I looked up light. It is "the form of energy that makes it possible to see things". Energy, positive and negative, takes work and energy never goes away; it is transformed in something else. In this case, light. Murmurings are a form of negative energy. If we are to be lights, we have to transform the negative energy into that light.
Are we there yet?
Cute. My point is, I am the only person who can change me. I have to transform the negative energy into something much more positive. When I find myself overwhelmed and filled with all those murmurings, I have to transform it to light. We all do. Or we'll continue to live in dark places.
Can you do that?
{sigh} I don't know. I guess we'll see.
The start of any journey begins with a step. Why not go dry your hair?
Speaking of hair...
That's another post. We'll talk later.
Always love to read these, Dixie.